Art wall

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What is an art wall

An art wall is a decorative interior design technique where you arrange and hang pictures, photographs, posters or other works of art on a wall to create a visual effect. Gallery walls can vary in size, style and content depending on personal taste and preferences.

When creating a gallery wall, you can arrange the pictures in different ways to create different effects. Some options include arranging the images symmetrically, in a grid-like structure, in a cluster, or in a more organic and random manner. You can also experiment with different frames, sizes and colors to achieve the desired aesthetic.

Art walls can be a focal point in a room and add personality and visual interest. They can also be a way to display and display artwork, photographs or other memorabilia in a creative and unique way. An art wall can be flexible and change over time by adding or removing pictures as needed.


The personal art wall

Creating a personal picture wall is all about expressing your own style and preferences. Here are some steps to help you create a personalized picture wall:


  • Choose a theme or style: Decide on an overall style or theme for your wall art. It can be based on a certain color scheme, a certain type of artwork or even a certain subject. This will give your picture wall a cohesive and harmonious feel.
  • Choose your images: Find images, photographs, posters or artwork that appeal to you and reflect your personal taste. You can use your own photographs, artwork, or you can purchase or print images that fit your theme.
  • Organization and arrangement: Lay the pictures out on the floor or a large surface to experiment with different arrangements before hanging them on the wall. Try different layouts and create a balance between sizes, colors and shapes. You can arrange them symmetrically, in a grid structure, in a cluster or in a more random way. Be creative and play with different options.
  • Consider frames and hanging: Choose appropriate frames that complement the style of your picture wall. You can use uniform frames to create a more cohesive look or mix different frames to add variety. Pay attention to the size of the pictures in relation to the frames to ensure a good fit. When you hang the pictures, you can use a measuring tape and level to get a straight and precise position.
  • Add personal elements: Make your picture wall even more personal by adding elements such as souvenirs, small objects or textured objects that mean something to you. This can give your picture wall a unique and personal touch.
  • Create balance: Make sure you create a balance between colours, sizes and shapes in your art wall. Avoid overloading the wall with too many pictures or too much turmoil. Create a pleasant visual balance that appeals to the eye.


See the whole range of art prints from Mette Handberg in various sizes here. If you are looking for smaller art prints you can find already matched art cards suitable for gallery walls here.

Remember that a picture wall is a creative expression and there are no fixed rules. The most important thing is to have fun and create a wall that reflects your personality and taste.



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